Listed below are a number of categories containing frequently asked questions, simply click on the appropriate category and select the question. If there is no answer listed for your specific question, then please click here for a number of ways to get in touch with us.


Just click on contact us for a number of ways to get in touch and a member of our sales team will be happy to run through everything with you
We only sell our products and services through Insurance Brokers, please call us on 01260 241555 and we’d be only too happy to put you in contact with one of our supporting brokers

Motor Claims

Our Motor Legal Expenses policy is provided by Arc Legal Assistance Limited and underwritten by AmTrust Europe Limited

Road Rescue

Yes, we have a dedicated fleet proposition with pro-rata rates to accomodate mid term additions and keep the policy in line with a common renewal date
We have cover levels available for vehicles up to 7.5T in weight, 8.5m long, 3.5m high and 2.5m wide
If you have a valid ALPS Road Rescue policy and have broken down, please call 01260 547 059.